IMCE also comes with another “Sample” profile. We’ll configure this one to have appropriate permissions for general site users.
Now, let’s take a look at the “Sample profile”, as it’s the one we’ll grant to our site users.
- Go to “Configuration => Media => IMCE”
- Click “Edit” next to “Sample profile”.
I’m going to make some changes to this profile for my specific site requirements.
- Profile name: General Site Users
- [x] Display file browser tab in user profile pages
- Maximum file size per upload: 25 (each file can be up to 25MB)
- Directory quota: 1000 (each directory can contain 1000MB of files)
- Total user quota: 2000 (each user is allowed to upload 2000MB worth of files)
- Permitted file extensions: gif png jpg jpeg pdf doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx numbers pages keynote txt
- Maximum image dimensions: 1024x1024
- Maximum number of files per operation: 25
Now, we get to the directories section. I’m going to slightly modify the default directory:
- Directory Path: /u%uid
- [x] Browse
- [x] Upload
- [x] Thumbnails
- [x] Delete
This will create a directory for each user with their userid (ie: user 23’s directory will be named “u23”) in which they can browse, upload, create thumbnails and delete files.
Now, I’ll add a shared directory that everyone can browse and upload to:
- Directory Path: shared
- [x] Browse
- [x] Upload
So, with these two settings, each user has “administrative” permissions in their own directory, and can browse and upload to the “shared” directory. With this setup, only someone using the “IMCE Admin” profile can delete and modify files in the “shared” directory.
I’m going to leave the “Thumbnails” section alone. You saw how to add additional thumbnail options in the last video. So, I’ll just click “Save configuration”.
Now, I’ll head back to the IMCE configuration page and give both “authenticated user” and “anonymous user” access to the “General Site Users” IMCE profile, and click “Save configuration”.