The Linkit module makes creating links super easy for content editors. This video will show how to install the modules necessary to utilize Linkit, and configure Pathologic (a not required, but incredibly useful, module).

Installing the modules and configuring Pathologic

Linkit provides an easy to use autocomplete field for linking to nodes, users, files, terms and fields. It integrates with CKEditor and makes creating links significantly more user friendly for content creators.

  • Install
  • Enable
    • Chaos tools
    • Pathologic
    • Entity API
    • Linkit

When Linkit is enabled, you’ll see a notice that you need to create a profile at “admin/config/content/linkit”. We’ll do that in a moment, but let’s get the other modules setup first. Ctools and Entity API don’t actually require any configuration, but Pathologic does. Pathologic is actually a text filter, so it is enabled and configured on a per-text format basis. Let’s go ahead and configure it for the “Filtered HTML” text format.

  • Go to “Configuration => Content authoring => Text formats => Filtered HTML” (admin/config/content/formats/filtered_html)
  • Enable the “Correct URLs with Pathologic” filter
  • Make sure it is the last filter in the processing order

The default configuration will work for this series, but you have some options here. Basically, Pathologic will correct any URLs that may be mis-formatted. For example, if you use a relative URL to an image and someone subscribes via RSS, that image won’t display properly, because it will look for the image relative to the reader, not the original site. For more information about Pathologic, checkout the documentation page.