In this video we’re going to install the Scheduler module, and configure the article content type to be able to be scheduled.

Creating an article without scheduler

Before we get started, I’m going to create an article so that we can compare the process before and after scheduler is installed.

  • Go to “Content => Add content => Article) “node/add/article”
  • Title: Test Article #1
  • Body: Lorem ipsum...

If we scroll down to the bottom you’ll see the standard vertical tabs. Right now, we really only have two options for publishing this article, either it’s published or not published. Let’s go ahead and install the Scheduler module so that we can schedule this to be published at a later date.

  • (Save)


  • Install and enable scheduler
  • Set permissions at “People => Permissions” (admin/people/permissions)
    • Administer scheduler (This permission allows users to select content types that can be scheduled using the Scheduler module. They must also have permission to administer content types. This should only be given to site administrators.)
    • Schedule content publication (This is the permission that actually allows users to schedule content. This should be given to content creators.)

Enable scheduling for the Article content type

  • Go to “Structure => Content types => Article” (admin/structure/types/manage/article)
  • Scroll down to the “Scheduler settings” vertical tab
  • “Publishing settings”
    • [x] Enable scheduled publishing (This will allow the content author to enter a date in the future when the article should be automatically published.)
    • [x] Alter published on time (When you create an article, the published date is set to the time when you click save. If this is unchecked, the published time will not be changed, which may have undesired effects. For example let’s pretend we have a view that sorts content by published date. If you schedule an article to publish in one week, then publish four more articles, when the scheduled article does get published, it will be the fifth article in the list as soon as it gets published because the original published date was before the other four. If you check this option, the published date will be changed to the date the article is actually published. Which means that in the previous example, it would be at the top of the list instead of the fifth one down.)
    • [ ] Publishing date/time is required (This will require the content author to enter a date in the future when the article should be automatically published)
    • [ ] Create a new revision on publishing (This will create a new revision when the article is published)
  • “Unpublishing settings”
    • [ ] Enable scheduled unpublishing (This will allow the content author to enter a date in the future when the article should be automatically unpublished. We’ll take a look at this in a future video.)
    • [ ] Unpublishing date/time is required (This will require the content author to enter a date in the future when the article should be automatically unpublished)
    • [ ] Create a new revision on unpublishing (This will create a new revision when the article is unpublished)
  • (Save content type)