Before we get into the commands that you’ll use everyday in your work with Drush, lets take a look at some of the core drush commands that will get you started.

Getting help with Drush


drush help

Typing “drush help” will display a list of all the commands that are available to you. We won’t go over all of these, but we will hit a large number of them. You should also know that this list can be expanded by other modules. For example, the Features module integrates with Drush, so if you run “drush help” from within a drupal installation that has Features installed, you’ll see a list of drush commands specific to Features.

At the top of this list, you’ll also see a list of Global options. We actually won’t cover most of these, but the one we will use is the “-y” option. Basically this will answer “yes” for us, whenever we are prompted to continue. The first time we’ll use this will be when we enable projects.

We can also use the help command to get additional information about a specific Drush command. If we type “drush help user-create”, we get a description of what the command will do, some examples, arguments, options and any aliases for this command. This is incredibly useful for commands that you don’t use very often, or when you can’t remember all of the options available for a given command.