In this video we will decide whether or not to use cron to send newsletters, as well as how many should be sent on each cron run.

In the Send mail tab

  • Use cron to send newsletters (This will send your newsletters in batches at each cron run. Only actual newsletter emails are affected by this setting. Test newsletters and confirmation emails will still be sent immediately. This is recommended as most hosting providers enforce limitations on how many emails your server can send on a given basis, such as hourly or daily. Check with your hosting provider to find out your limitations so that you can configure these settings appropriately.)
  • Cache
    • No Caching (If not cached, each newsletter can be themed separately. I won't be covering this in this series.)
    • Chached content source (This will cache the content source, so that everyone gets the same email. You can, however, still use tokens to personalize the newsletter.
  • Cron throttle (This is the number of emails that will be sent on each cron run. Once you've figured out how many emails your hosting provider allows, you can do the math to see how many emails you can send on each cron run. Also make sure your cron execution time does not exceed your PHP maximum execution time. Check your recent log entries after sending a test newsletter to see how long it takes to send each message.)
  • Mail spool expiration (You have four options here, and if you're not using cron to send messages, it is recommended to use immediate expiration. The use case of delayed expiration is to gather statistics, but since this is not yet implemented, there is currently no reason to change from immediate.)
  • Log emails (This will log every message that is sent to the PHP mail() function. Since no status information is available and it does not indicate that a messages is sent or will be delivered, I typically leave this unchecked, but could be useful for debugging.)