In this video, I'll show you how to create public and private articles in a public group.

We added the “Group content visibility” field to the Article content type in the last video, so we’re already setup for this. Group #1 is already a public group, but let’s go ahead and create another one from scratch, now that we have all of our settings configured.

Creating a public group

  • Go to "Content => Add content = > Group" (node/add/groups)
    • Title: Group #3 (Public)
    • Body: (Lorem Ipsum)
    • Group visibility: Public
    • Menu settings: Provide a menu link
    • (Save)

We can switch over to Safari and refresh to see that Group #3 is indeed a public group.

Create a public article in a public group

This will work just like creating a private article in a private group.

  • Go to "Add content => Article" (node/add/article)
    • Title: Article #7 (public in public group)
    • Body: (Lorem Ipsum)
    • Groups audience: Group #3
    • Group content visibility: Use group defaults
  • (Save)

Now we can see the article, and if we switch back to Safari, anonymous users can also see the article in the group.

Creating a private article in a public group

This time, we’ll create a private article in an otherwise public group.

  • Go to "Add content => Article" (node/add/article)
    • Title: Article #8 (private in public group)
    • Body: (Lorem Ipsum)
    • Group audience: Group #3 (Public)
    • Group content visibility: Private
  • (Save)

We can see Article #8, but there is no sign of it in Safari.
This could be useful when you have a group where most content is public, but occasionally want to post something just for group members.

In the Organic groups field settings, you may have noticed one more field option "Group roles and permissions". This is covered in the "Organic groups global roles" video, as well as the "Organic groups global permissions" video.