In this video, I will show you how to create a Quicktab which contains a Quicktab in each tab.
Create a new Quicktab
- Go to "Structure => Quicktabs => Add Quicktabs Instance" (admin/structure/quicktabs/add)
- Title: Quicktab-ception
- Renderer: Choose "quicktabs"
- Ajax:
- [x] Yes
- Tab Title: Most Recent
- Tab Type: [x] qtabs
- Quicktabs instance: Most Recent
- Tab Title: Notable Nodes
- Tab Type: [x] qtabs
- Quicktabs instance: Notable Nodes
- Click "Add tab"
- Tab Title: Tabbed Views
- Tab Type: [x] qtabs
- Quicktabs instance: Tabbed Views
- (Save)
Manage block
- "Structure => blocks" (admin/structure/blocks)
- Scroll down to Disabled blocks
- Block: Quicktab-ception
- Region: Choose "Featured"
- (Save blocks)
Back on the homepage, we'll see the Quicktab we just created. Now, I realize that this isn't a very practical example of why you would want to place Quicktabs inside Quicktabs, but it does show you how it works so that when you have the need, you'll know how to do it.
For a better example, you can look at the Quick Tabs project page and click on the screenshot. This is probably just a basic quicktab displaying a couple of views, but it could be setup so that "Today's Most" is a quicktab that shows the two quicktabs "Popular" and "Emailed". And the Popular Quicktab could be using the accordion renderer to show the teaser view of each node when clicked.
In the next video, we're going to enable the "Quicktab Styles" module and take a look at the built-in styles that you can use to change the way your Quicktabs look.