This video will show you how to view your submissions on-site, as well as show you how to download your submission data in case you want to import it into another application or database.
Fill out the form
You can fill out your information if you'd like, and click 'Next Page". Continue to enter your information, and when you're finished, click "Submit".
View results
Ok, now we can click the "Results" tab where there are a few ways we can view our submissions.
Submissions Tab
The first tab is the "Submissions" tab. Here, we have a list of all the submissions we've received. And we can click the "View" operation to see the contents of a submission.
Here we see who submitted the form (this is their username), when the form was submitted, their ip address and the contents of the submission. We also have links to view the previous and next submissions. This will be useful when there is more than one submission.
Analysis Tab
Let's go back to the webform results, and now take a look at the "Analysis" tab. This tab isn't super useful for this form. Most fields show how many times each option was selected, or whether or not the user entered a response in that field. But the content of text fields and text areas aren't displayed. They are simply reported as "Left Blank" or "User entered value". The types of fields that do make sense in this view are radio buttons, checkboxes and grids. We can clearly see how many people chose each color, music genre and their responses in the grid. So, if your form was entirely multiple choice, this would be a good way to analyze your data.
Table Tab
Next, we'll click on the "Table" tab. This view is better, and depending on your preference, you may like it better than the "Submissions" tab since you get an overview of all of the submissions at once. Though, you have to look at each individual response, and don't get a general idea of responses.
Download Tab
Finally, we'll check out the "Download" tab. Here we can actually download a copy of the webform submissions. You might want to do this if you're importing them into a spreadsheet application, or just to keep a backup of the submissions. For Export format, we can choose "Delimited text" or "Microsoft Excel". "Microsoft Excel" is exactly what you think, you'll get an excel file. "Delimited text" is a little more flexible. You can choose the delimited text format below. The format I use most is comma delimited, often called a CSV file, though, as it notes here, using tabs to create a TSV file is the most reliable method for preserving non-latin characters. So if you're going to download your form submissions, just make sure you know what program you are going to import into, and what the best format is for that program. Just as an example, I'm going to select "Comma (,)".
Next, we have some additional options.
Select list options:
- Select keys: You can choose the full, human-readable options, or the Short, raw options. In our example for favorite color, one human-readable value was "Red", and the corresponding key was "0". This is why you might want to change the key as I mentioned in Part 4. So, just decide what you need for your use case.
- Select list format: If you will be importing this data into a spreadsheet application, you'll want to choose "Separate". If however, you're importing this into another database system, "Compact" might make more sense to use. As a rule of thumb, you're probably safe using "Separate" unless you know what you're doing.
Included export components:
Here you can choose which components you want to export. If you don't want to include a field, simply un-check the corresponding box. I'll uncheck the "Submission Number", "Submission ID", "Draft" and "IP Address".
Download range options:
Here you can choose which submissions you would like to download. You can choose to download all submissions, only new submissions since your last download, only the latest X submissions (ie the last 10 submissions), or submissions starting from, and optionally to, specific submission IDs. I'll go ahead and download all submissions.
Now that it's been downloaded, I'll go ahead and open it with TextEdit. This is the raw CSV file, I just wanted to show you the file you'll get. You can kind of see what's going on, but let me open it in Numbers to give you an even better view. (For those of you not familiar with Macs, Numbers is like Excel.) Now, we get a much more clear view of our submission.
I'm going to fill out the form again to show you how the download range selections change.
Clear Submissions
The final tab across the top is "clear". In here you can choose to clear all submissions or cancel. This action cannot be undone, so only do it if you know what you're doing. Since the whole purpose of this video is to show you what everything does, I'm going to go ahead and click clear. Now if we go back to any of the analyze, table or submission tabs there are no submissions to view.