Published: Wed, 02/08/12
- Originally developed for an art site in 2005, to give visitors an incentive to contribute (add their art, vote on other people’s art, comment, ...etc.
- Open sourced with some features disabled initially, then talked the client allowing all features to be contributed, and they agreed
- Evolved into a user incentive, ranking and virtual currency system
- Got more than one requests to port it to Joomla
- Used on one site to encourage recycling, with online points and offline points, e.g. you take an item to a depot and they credit your account.
- Jacob Redding, Executive Director of the Drupal Association was the D6 maintainer, for work he did for a New York non profit.
- Contributed modules:
- Commerce integration (get points when purchasing, and use it as virtual currency too)
- Retroactive (accrue points for already published nodes and comments)
- Moderation
- Inviting users to join a site
- Voting
- Get a Role
- Services integration
- Karma
- Badges