Published: Wed, 05/16/12
This week I talk with Steven Jones of the Aegir Project.
Here are some of the questions I asked him
- I’ve only heard of Aegir, but never actually used it. What exactly is it?
- How did you get started with Aegir?
- What kinds of things can Aegir do other than site install?
- How does Aegir integrate with Git?
- What sort of people is Aegir appropriate for?
- How does Aegir compare to other tools like Pantheon or Acquia’s dev cloud?
- What about tools like Puppet or Capistrano?
- How can people get help?
- What’s the future of Aegir?
Questions from Twitter
- @TimeRaider: What are the plans for 7.x release and new Drush support?
- @tgroff: What should distributions do to ensure Aegir compatibility?