There may be a time when you want to install more than one module. One good example of this is when you want to install the Devel module so that you can quickly create dummy content to analyze your module with content. This video shows how to install both the Views module and Devel.

  • Go to
  • Type “Views” into the project field
  • Select “Views”
  • Select the version you want to install
  • Click “Advanced option”
  • Click “Add an additional project”
  • Type “Devel”
  • Click “Launch sandbox”

Even this has a permanent URL! You can specify additional modules by adding “?add[]=project_name” for the first additional module, then “&add[]=project_name” for each additional module. For example:[]=views&add[]=ctools&add[]=devel&add[]=admin_menu&add[]=toolbar_admin_menu

Now, if you’ll notice in the URL above, the initial project we downloaded was Drupal, and then the additional modules. This is important because will only perform the thorough dependancy check on that initial project. So in the URL above, we won’t actually be able to use Views because Ctools wasn’t installed. In that particular case, you could just make Views the initial project, but I wanted to point that out so that you’d know you need to explicitly list dependencies for additional modules.