In this video, I will show you how to configure HybridAuth to support logging in to the site using a Twitter account.

Enable Twitter as an "Authentication Provider"

  • Go to "Configuration => People => HybridAuth" (admin/config/people/hybridauth)
  • Authentication providers: [x] Twitter
    • (Save configuration)
  • Click "Settings" next to Twitter
    • Application settings (In this tab, we'll need to provide the consumer key and consumer secret key. In order to get these, we'll need to register a new Twitter application.)

Create a new Twitter Application

  • Open the link to in a new tab
  • Click the "Create New App" button
    • Name: Twitter Login App for MU
    • Description: This app allows visitors to to login using their Twitter handle.
    • Website: (Enter your site URL)
    • Callback URL: (Copy and paste this from the Twitter "Application settings" page on your site.)
    • Read the terms and conditions, and select "Yes, I agree"
    • Click "Create your Twitter application"

Now that the application has been created, we need to copy our API Keys and paste them into the fields on our site.

Application settings

  • Click the "API Keys" link
  • Copy your API Key and API secret and paste them into the corresponding fields on your site.
  • (Save configuration)

And that's all there is to it! Now, if we go home, we'll see that we can login using our Twitter account.

In the next video, we'll create a Google App that will allow users to login using their Google account.