Configuration | Modules Unraveled
124 Creating Drupal Configuration in Code Using CINC with Scott Reynen - Modules Unraveled Podcast
Published: Thu, 10/30/14
- What is CINC?
- How is it different from Features or Configuration Management?
- Is it something you use on an ongoing basis? Or is it just for the initial site setup?
- What types of configuration can you manage with CINC?
- What if you already have a content type created, and you want to add a field to the content type?
- How does that affect existing content, and new content.
- What about the reverse? Can you remove a field?
- What happens to the data that is already in the database?
- Can you undo configuration that you’ve created with CINC?
- How do you prevent site admins from disabling the module and deleting their content types?
- CINC & Features
- CINC & Drupal 8 Config API
- Sheet2Module
- How do you see CINC working in a headless Drupal setting?
Use Cases
- Create dozens of fields quickly.
- Add a field to a content type after an existing field.
- Update configuration only if it still matches the default settings.
- How do you use this in a dev/staging/production
- Have you noticed any improved feedback, improvements to your workflow while using CINC?
- If people want to jump in and help development or work on new features what should they do?