This video demonstrates the E-mail and Number fields, and what unique settings the number field has that are different from the other fields.
Email field
Ok, let's add an E-mail field. E-mail fields have the same options as Textfields, so I'll just change the title and make this required as well. (Like the textfield we used for our name, the email field can be auto-filled with the current user's email address. I'll show you how to do that in Part 13 as well.)
- Title: Email
- √ Required
A number field can be used when you want to make sure that a user enters a number, and not anything else. You can even place limitations on what numbers you accept.
- Title: Annual Income
- Prefix: $ (You can set a prefix to make your form more clear. ie: since we are working with money, I'll add "$" as the prefix.)
- Suffix: USD (You can also set a suffix. ie: "USD")
- Decimal places: 2 (Automatic will include four numbers to the right of the decimal, but since we can only have two in this case, I'll set this to "2".)
- Thousands separator: Comma (Since we're dealing with USD, we'll set this to "comma".)
- Decimal point: Period (Here in the US, we use a period as a decimal point, so I'll choose that.)
- Integer: (If this box is checked the number entered must be a whole number. ie: 30,000 would be valid, but 30,000.50 would not. So, if you want people to be able to enter dollars and cents, leave this unchecked.)
- Minimum: 1000 (As the description points out, setting the minimum to "0" would prevent the user form entering a negative value, which would make sense when dealing with money. I'm going to enter 1000 though.)
- Maximum: (You could also set a maximum, but I'm going to leave this blank.)
- Step: (Finally, we can set the step. This will require that the number entered is a multiple of what you put here. If you enter "5" users must enter a multiple of 5, if you're selling something in dozens, you could enter "12" so that the user must buy full dozens of whatever you're selling.)
- √ Exclude zero: (This only affects the analysis of your results. Say for example, we want to know the average income of those who filled out the form. If this is unchecked, it will include all "0" and blank values, thus pulling the average down. If we check this box, we can average only the values of those users who choose to enter their annual income.)