Views Series - Filter Criteria, Sort Criteria, Relationships and Contextual Filters | Modules Unraveled

Customizing the Display Name, Title, Format and Fields of a View
In this video, we'll create a menu item, configure access, add a header and footer and add a pager to our View.

Adding Filter Criteria and Sort Criteria
In the video Modifying Default Views, I showed you how to add a filter that limits the displayed results of the view by content type. In this video, we'll add an exposed filter. Exposed filters allow users to select filter options. Let's add an exposed filter to allow users to choose to display all items, only available items or items that are not available.

Customizing Page Settings, Header, Footer and Pager
In this video, we'll create a menu item, configure access, add a header and footer and add a pager to our View.

Using Relationships to Enhance a View
In this video, I'll show you how to enhance a view with a Relationship that will allow us to access additional information that isn't available by default.

Dynamically Filtering Content with Contextual Filters
Contextual Filters work the same way that Filter Criteria do, except that Contextual Filters create the filters dynamically. For example, if we were to add a filter criteria for author uid, we'd have to select one uid. If we chose "uid-1", the view would always show content by user 1 regardless of who is viewing the page. If we want to add a filter like "content created by the currently logged in user", we'll have to add a contextual filter. That's what we'll do in this video.
