The FullCalendar Options module is a sub-module that comes with the FullCalendar module. It contains additional advanced settings that you may or may not need to configure like what time the calendar should show when loaded, whether or not to show weekends, and whether or not to load a different view when a date is clicked on the calendar. In this video, we'll take a look at those options so that you know where to set them in case you want to do so.

Enable module

  • Go to "Modules" (admin/modules) and enable:
    • FullCalendar Options
  • (Save configuration)

Now that we have enabled the module, let's edit the view.

  • "Go to structure => Views => Calendar" (admin/structure/views/view/calendar)


  • Click "Settings"
  • Click "Extra Options"
    • First hour: 6 (This determines the first hour that will be visible when the calendar loads. If you're creating a calendar that only has after school events, you might want to set this to something like 13 to start at 1:00pm. Note: enter the 24-hour formatted time.)
    • Minimum time: 0 (This determines the earliest time that can be viewed on the calendar. If you set it to "6" the calendar will not scroll up past 6am.)
    • Maximum time: 24 (This is the same as minimum time, except that it determines the latest time that can be viewed on the calendar.)
    • Slot minutes: 30 (This sets the length of the time slots in an agenda view. You could set something fancy like 45, and each time slot would be a 45 minute increment. Or you could set it to something like 60 and have 1 hour time slots.)
    • Default event minutes: 120 (This only affects events without an end date, and sets the amount of time it should occupy on the calendar. When set to 120, it will occupy a two hour time slot on the calendar.)
    • [x] All day slot (Without this checked, all day events will only be visible on the Month view. With it checked, there will be an "All day" section at the top of the Week and Day views.)
    • [x] Weekends (If checked, Saturday and Sunday will be visible on the calendar. If unchecked, only Monday through Friday are shown on the calendar.)
    • [x] Lazy fetching (Lazy fetching is a great feature. When checked, the calendar will only fetch events when it absolutely needs to. For example, if you show February's month view by default, FullCalendar will fetch events for the entire month of February and store them in its internal cache. Then, if the user switches to week view and begins browsing the weeks in February, the calendar will not fetch events because it already has this information stored. If unchecked, FullCalendar will fetch events every time the view is switch. ie: Using the pager or changing from Month view to Week view.)
    • [ ] Disable dragging (This will disable event dragging even if events are editable.)
    • [ ] Disable resizing (This will disable event resizing even if events are editable.)
    • Drag revert duration: 500 (This is the time (in ms) that will elapse before an event returns to its original position after an unsuccessful drag.)
    • [x] Day click (If checked, when the visitor clicks a day on the calendar, the view mode will switch to the view of your choice.)
    • Display: Day (Agenda) (This is the display that will be switched to. It will work from both of the other view modes.)
  • (Apply (all displays))
  • (Save) (Save the view)

Now when we view the calendar, all of our new settings are in effect. For example, if I click a day, that day is loaded in the calendar.

In the next video, I will show you how to open events in a modal popup using Colorbox.