In this video we will tell Simplenews what to do with a newsletter subscription when a user account is blocked or disabled, we will configure the subscribe and unsubscribe email text and we will decide where to send a user after they subscribe or unsubscribe from a newsletter.
In the Subscription tab
User Account
- Synchronize with account (If this setting is checked, when a user cancels their account, or is blocked/deleted, they will also be unsubscribed from the newsletter. If it is unchecked, when an account is deactivated, they will still receive the newsletter as an anonymous user.)
Confirmation Emails
You have the option to set two different sets of templates for confirmation emails. One is used when a user subscribes/unsubscribes from a single newsletter, the other is used when a user subscribes/unsubscribes from multiple newsletters at once.
Confirmation Pages
- Use combined confirmation mails (Here you can set when the combined confirmation templates should be used. You have three options)
- For multiple changes (This will intelligently use the appropriate setting based on the user's action. If they subscribe/unsubscribe to one newsletter, it will use the "Single Confirmation" templates. If they subscribe/unsubscribe to multiple newsletters, it will use the "Combined Confirmation" templates.)
- Always (This setting will always use the "Combined Confimation" templates, even if only one newsletter is affected.)
- Never (This setting will always use the "Single Confirmation" templates, even if multiple newsletters are affected. This means that a subscriber will receive a separate email for each newsletter they've adjusted.)
- Single Confirmation Mails
- Subject (This will be used as the subject of any emails sent.)
- Body text of subscribe email (This is sent when a user subscribes to a newsletter.)
- Body text for already subscribed visitor (This is sent when a user tries to subscribe to a newsletter that they are already subscribed to.)
- Body text of unsubscribe email (This is sent when a user unsubscribes from a newsletter.)
- Body text for not yet subscribed visitor (This is sent when a user tries to unsubscribe from a newsletter that they are not actually subscribed to.)
- Combined Confirmation Mails
- Subject text for combined confirmation mail (This will be used as the subject of any emails sent.)
- Body text for combined confirmation mail (This is sent when a user makes a change to their subscription settings. This will include a link to confirm their settings. The placeholder "[changes-list]" is configured below.)
- Body text for unchanged combined confirmation mail (This is sent when a user saves their newsletter preferences without making a change. This will not include a link to confirm their settings, since no change has been made. The placeholder "[changes-list]" is configured below.)
- Changes List (This is the information that will take the place of the "[changes-list]" placeholder in the above body text areas.)
- Change text for a new subscription (This will list each newsletter a user has subscribed to.)
- Change text when already subscribed (This will list each newsletter a user has subscribed to, but is already subscribed to.)
- Change text for an unsubscription (This will list each newsletter a user has unsubscribed from.)
- Change text when already unsubscribed (This will list each newsletter a user has unsubscribed from, but was not subscribed to before the change request.)
- Subscribe confirmation (This is where the user will be redirected when they confirm their subscription. If left blank, the user will be redirected to the front page. This is very useful for tracking conversions.)
- Unsubscribe confirmation (This is where the user will be redirected when they confirm their unsubscription. If left blank, the user will be redirected tot he front page.)