In this video, I'll walk you through how to set permissions to allow group members to create, edit and delete content in the group. I will also show you how to configure permission for the various group roles and will give you an overview of the general Organic Groups permissions.

Organic Groups Content Permissions

To configure organic groups global permissions, a user must have the permission to administer all groups and permissions, and this is set by default for the administrator user, but you can check it by:

  • Go to "People => Permissions" (admin/people/permissions)

Scroll down, under Organic groups, see Administer Organic groups permissions and administrator should be selected.

Anyone with this permission will be able to configure group type permissions.

Configure Member's Permissions

Let’s configure our new “Content Creator” role to be able to create, edit and delete their own content. Then we’ll give that role to Chelsea so that she can create content within “Group #3”.

  • Go to "Configuration => Organic Groups => OG permissions overview" (admin/config/group/permissions)
    • Click “edit” next to “Node-Group”
    • Select the following permissions for the “Content Creator” role
      • Create Article content
      • Edit own Article content
      • Delete own Article content
  • (Save permissions)

Now that we have given content creators permission to create, edit and delete articles within the Group permissions, we need to give Chelsea that role within “Group #3”.

  • Go to “Group #3”
  • Click the “Group” tab
  • Click “People”
  • Select “Modify OG user roles”
  • Check the box next to “Chelsea”
  • (Execute)
  • In the “Add roles” box, select “Content Creator”
  • (Next)
  • (Confirm)

Now we see that she has the role “Content Creator”. Let's switch back to Chelsea's account and go to “Group #3”.

Now we see that she has the “Content create links”, and can create an article.

  • Click "Article"
    • Title: Chelsea's First Article
    • Body: (Lorem Ipsum)
    • Groups audience: Group #3 (Because of the settings we finalized on in “Video 4 - Configuring Content Types for group “Content create links””, “Group #3” is already selected, and the field is disabled so that she can not change the “Groups audience”.)
    • Group content visibility: "Use group defaults"
  • (Save)

Chelsea's First Article is successfully created! We can now view the article and click the "Edit" tab to edit the article, and down at the bottom, she has the option to delete her article. But if she clicks on another article, she does not have the “Edit” tab.

Also, because of the field settings from “Video #4”, she cannot create content by clicking the “Add content” link in the “Navigation” block, or by going to “/node/add/article”. This eliminates the possibility that she might create an article outside of the group.

Next, let's configure permissions for the "Content Moderator" role.

Configure Content Moderator's Permissions

Now, we want to let members with the “Content Moderator” role be able to edit other members’ articles. So, let's go ahead and configure the permissions for the "Content Moderator" role.

  • Go to "Configuration => Organic groups => Permissions" (admin/config/group/permissions)
  • Click "OG permissions overview"
    • Node-Group: Click "edit"
    • Select the following permissions for “Content Moderator”
      • Article: Edit any Article content
      • Article: Delete any Article content
  • (Save permissions)

Now, we’ll give Chelsea the “Content Moderator” role.

  • Go to “Group #3”
  • Click the “Group” tab
  • Click “People”
  • Select “Modify OG user roles”
  • Check the box next to “Chelsea”
  • (Execute)
  • In the “Add roles” box, select “Content Moderator”
  • In the “Remove roles” box, select “Content Creator”
  • (Next)
  • (Confirm)

Now we see that she only has the role “Content Moderator”. Let's switch back to Chelsea's account and go to “Group #3”.

Now, she no longer has the option to add content. She should be able to edit any articles posted to this group however.

  • Click “Article #8”
  • Click the “Edit” tab

You’ll notice that she does have permission to edit “Article #8”, and if we scroll down she can even delete the article. So, our “Content Moderator” permissions work.

Again, these only affect the group she is a “Content Moderator” in. If she goes to “Group #1” and clicks on “Article #2”, we see that she does not have permission to edit this article, because it is posted to another group.

Finally, let’s give her both the “Content Creator” and “Content Moderator” roles so that she can create content, and modify any article within “Group #3”.

  • Go to “Group #3”
  • Click the “Group” tab
  • Click “People”
  • Select “Modify OG user roles”
  • Check the box next to “Chelsea”
  • (Execute)
  • In the “Add roles” box, select “Content Creator”
  • (Next)
  • (Confirm)

Now, we see that she has both roles, so this means that she has all of the permissions that come with each role. So, when she goes into “Group #3”, she has permission to create an article, and she can edit any article created by other users, as long as it is posted to “Group #3”.