
p>This is the first episode in a mini-series leading up to DrupalCon Sydney. Each week I’ll be talking with the track chairs and featured speakers of DrupalCon Sydney. And today that would be Alastair Moore and Jen Lampton.




p>Now, don’t tune out if you’re not planning to attend DrupalCon Sydney, because every session is recorded and published online. So stay tuned to find out what’s going on in each track, because you’ll be able to watch them online later.



Track Chair

  • What was the vision for the track?
  • What sessions have you chosen and why?
  • What are you most excited about at DrupalCon?

Featured Speaker:

  • What’s the title of your talk?
  • What's your talk about?
  • How does your session fit with the track's theme?
  • What are you most excited about at DrupalCon?
  • What are your thoughts on Drupal 8?


  • What are some other sessions in the Site Building track that you guys are excited about?
  • Do you have any other plans for your visit to Australia? (if relevant)
  • Where can people find out more about you and the Site Building track at DrupalCon Sydney?