In this video, we will post our first video!
Create a video
Go to “Content => Add Content => Video” (node/add/video)
- Title: Swing Dancing Part 1
- Body: This is a clip of me swing dancing when I was in college.
- Video: Browse and upload a video (select video and click upload)
- Output video dimensions (You can set the video dimensions for you video here (incase you would like an HD video brought down to SD for example). However, in the "Manage Preset" tab of the video settings, I told it to use the width and height of the mp4 preset for all videos. So changing this here won't actually do anything.)
- Bypass auto conversion (This will prevent the video from being sent to Zencoder for conversion. It will stay on my server, and be served from my server. This is useful for when you have already converted a video to the correct format, and don't want to send it through Zencoder to Amazon S3. This will also override the default setting for this video only.)
- Convert video on save (This will send the video to Zencoder to begin the conversion process immediately upon save, instead of waiting for cron to send a batch.)
- (save)
Now the video will be pulled into Zencoder to be converted to your desired format (as set in the video presets configuration). Then it will be sent to your S3 bucket, and finally displayed on the site.
Now, since the batch will be sent with the next cron run, I’ll go ahead and run cron manually so that we don’t have to wait.
After Zencoder has finished processing the video, we now have a "videos" folder in our S3 bucket. You'll notice in the thumbnails folder that there is a folder with five thumbnails. This is because we told Zencoder to create five thumbnails in the "Transcoders" tab of our video settings. This means that we can now go back and edit our video to use one of these thumbnails.
To do this, go back to your Drupal site, and edit your video.
- Scroll down, and we now see five thumbnails that we can choose from.
- Select one, and save the video.