This video walks through the "My Drafts" and "Needs Review" views that are created by Workbench Moderation.

Go to "Structure => Views" (admin/structure/views) and select the view: "workbench_moderation". This view is creating two displays. One for "My Drafts" and one for "Needs Review".

My Drafts

First, let's take a look at the "My Drafts" display.


This view uses the "Content revision: User" and "Content revision: Content" relationships we saw in the Workbench video.


We've already seen most of these fields and how they work. Our new fields are:

  • Moderation History Link - This takes us straight to the revision history for the content
  • Moderation State - This displays what state the revision is in. ie: "Draft" or "Needs Review"
  • And a very important new field is the "Workbench Moderation: Moderation Links" field. This actually displays the operations that we can perform on this piece of content. ie: make the article "Published" or move to "Needs Review"

Needs Review

This view is almost identical to the "My Drafts" view. The two differences are that instead of exposing the "Workbench Moderation: State" filter, it is set to "Needs Review", and we're not checking that the current user made the last revision.