• First-off, we’re going to be talking about both the MailChimp and Mandrill modules. So, before we get into the modules, can you explain the difference between the two services?
  • Unique relationship with MailChimp and how they’re sponsoring development, etc.
  • What do you see as the benefit of using an external service like MailChimp as compared to a “Drupal” specific setup like using Simplenews or Message notify?
  • And for the sake of argument, what would you see as a benefit of using a “Drupal” setup over an external service?

Mail Chimp

  • How much integration is there between the module and the service?
  • Can you create new lists from the Drupal interface? How many lists?
  • Can you create the newsletters in the Drupal interface?
  • How do you work with templates? Do you configure them on the MailChimp side, and then select them in the Drupal interface?
  • MailChimp has a “drag and drop editor”, is that functionality carried over to the Drupal interface?
  • How do you include site content?
  • How does it deal with images in a newsletter?
  • How can you add site content into a newsletter?
  • Can you setup autoresponders?
  • Can you setup split tests in the Drupal interface?
    • LT: MailChimp handles this with it’s email optimizer
  • Can you view reports and analytics in Drupal?
  • How do users subscribe and unsubscribe from a newsletter?


  • What is Mandrill?
  • How does the Module integrate with the service?

Use Cases

  • MailChimp
  • Mandrill
  • When would you use both?
  • Documentation? Screencasts?