In this video we will set some defaults to use when creating newsletters, set an address to use for test newsletters and set the default "from name" and email address.

Configure Default Settings

Let's take a look at the default settings.

  • Go to "Configuration => Web Services => Newsletters => Settings"

In the Newsletter tab

Default Newsletter Options

  • Format (*This can be overridden on a per newsletter basis.)
    • Plain (Emails will be sent as plain text)
    • HTML (Emails will be sent as HTML, allowing things like links using the <a> tag, images and other HTML code) *Requires the HTML Mail and Mail System modules.
  • Priority (I wouldn't suggest using this. Some email clients will respect it properly, but most will simply flag your message as spam due to overuse by spammers in the past. *This can be overridden on a per newsletter basis.)
  • Request receipt (I haven't used this, so I can't verify it's reliability. If you are interested in statistics for your newsletters, check out the Simplenews Satistics module. Though at the time of recording, there is not a stable release for Drupal 7. *This can be overridden on a per newsletter basis.)
  • Default send action
    • Send one test newsletter to the test address (This is the safest default, it will help prevent you from accidentally sending the newsletter before you have it "ready".)
    • Send newsletter (This would be handy if you want to send your newsletters quickly without sending test messages.)

Test Address

  • Email address (Set the email address you would like test emails to be sent to.)
  • Allow test address override (If you would like to test on multiple email addresses - i.e.:gmail, yahoo etc. - you can allow the test address to be overridden. I'm going to check this box.)

Sender Information

  • From name (Who should the email say it is from in the "from" field. *This can be overridden on a per newsletter basis.)
  • From email address (What email address should it appear that the message has been sent from? *This can be overridden on a per newsletter basis.)