This video will walk through the widgets that can be placed above and below slideshows


Top Widgets

  • [ ] Pager (This display does not use a pager, so we see the notice, "There are no pagers available." We'll take a look at pagers with the block display.)
  • [x] Controls (If this is checked, controls will be provided for the user to navigate forward and backward through the slideshow, as well as pause and play.)
    • Weight of the Controls (This sets where the controls are displayed in relation to the other widgets. 1 is displayed first, 2 second, and 3 third.
    • [ ] Hide controls if there is only one slide (This will do what it says, and hide the controls if there is only one slide.)
    • Controls Type (Text is the only option, by default. We'll take a look at the Views Slideshow Configurable Controls module in the later video which will allows to use images and icons instead of text. For now though, text will work.
  • [x] Slide Counter (This will display a counter like "1 of 10" to let the user know which slide is being displayed, and how many there are.

Bottom Widgets

These are the exact same options as "Top Widgets", but will be displayed below the slideshow instead of above.

With those settings saved, our preview now shows the counter and controls. And when I hover over the slide, the "Pause" control changes to "Resume" because we set the slideshow to pause on hover.

View the slideshow

  • Save the view
  • Go to "/featured-content"

On the slideshow page, you'll see the new counter as well as text controls.