This series will walk you through how to use the Multiupload Filefield Widget and Multiupload Imagefield Widget modules to upload multiple files and images at once.

The Multiupload Filefield Widget and its extension Multiupload Imagefield Widget use the multiple attribute of HTML5 that lets you upload multiple files at a time.

In this series, we will add a new field to the article content type using the Multiupload Filefield module to allow multiple files to be uploaded at once. Then, we will create a new content type called “Gallery” and add a field using the Multiupload Imagefield module to allow multiple images to be uploaded at once, and then we will use Panels to configure the display of the galleries and Views to create a list of the galleries.

Browsers that support HTML5 multiple attribute:

  • Firefox 3.6+
  • Google Chrome 2+
  • Safari 4+
  • Opera 11.01+
  • IE 10