In this video we will create a couple of custom global roles for groups on our site.
Let's first view the Organic groups global roles
- Go to "Configuration => OG Roles Overview" (admin/config/group/roles)
- Click "Edit" next to “Node - Group”
These are the roles available to all groups that are not overriding the default roles and permissions. (More on that in the video “Group Specific Roles”.)
Create new roles
If we would like additional roles to be available to all groups that use the default roles and permissions, we can add them here. I'll add two:
- Content Creator
- (Add role)
- Content Moderator
- (Add role)
Now, let's view the group roles
- Go to "Group #1"
- Click the "group" tab
- Select "Roles (read-only)"
We can see our "Content creator" and "Content moderator" but they cannot do anything for us until we set permissions for these roles. So in the next video, I will show you how set permissions for these roles.